Friday, March 31, 2006


...the smell of your paramour in your vomit-and-urine soaked babydoll dresses. one, get one free collagen injections.

...sharing your smack with the fetus.

...a macabre and ever-changing marvel of modern pathology.

...increasingly irrelevent.

...that itching, burning sensation.

...a train wreck, to a degree that stretches the bounds of the metaphor itself. Like if the train in question were carrying h-bombs. And crashed into Chernobyl. On "orphan day."

...never having to admit you killed your husband.

*inspired by "Get Fuzzy."

Monday, March 27, 2006


Arranged marraiges

Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor

Irish potato famine

Battle of San Jacinto

English subjugation of the Welsh

Hatfield/McCoy feud

Diet of Worms (admittedly less disturbing in German. Or in context)

100 Years War

Parental Sexual Relations

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Abortion rights

The death penalty

Mario Tennis

Political graft vis-a-vis Indian casinos

Anticipatory warrants

Harry Potter's coming-of-age saga

Chinese censorship

Bush administration incompetence in dealing with the aftermath of Hurrican Katrina

The Red Sox


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Smashing Pumpkins
Siamese Dream
1993, Virgin Records

I'm the youngest-by-far of four kids in my family, and as such was always able to get away with just about anything through virtue of my siblings mistakes and accomplishments always being of greater magnitude. Even at times when I did have my parents on my ass, one of them would jump in to take the heat off. All of that ended in August of 1993, when my sister Emily moved to Dallas for college, just as I'm starting seventh grade. If you're keeping score at home, that's about the worst possible time in someone's life to have all parental scrutiny suddenly upon them. You're already going through what's likely the worst of the puberty pains, paired with just about the meanest grade that American schooling has to offer, so to throw in hawk-eyed moms and pops who can't remember how much Junior High sucked is just cruelty. It's amazing any of us survive.

I'd comment more on what my life was like that year, but to be honest I don't really remember any of it. I have knowledge of some things - there were drugs, and a lot of anger, and a lot of fighting with my parents and hating myself and what-have-you - but no experiential recall, save for one thing.

On Easter morning that spring - the spring of '94, I got Siamese Dream in my Easter basket. And somehow everything got better.

Start with the cover artwork, which is simply serene, complete with the back cover, the purpose of which seems to be to prove to the consumer that the girls aren't actually siamese twins, and thus weren't being exploited, if that makes sense. It's mystical and yet familiar, and is still my favorite album artwork to this day.

Winter is a bad time of year to get into music. It's gray and cold and lends itself too easily to widespread, low-key depression and listlessness. The societal attitude is just to duck your head and plow on through 'til thew warmer months, which doesn'tleave much room for appreciation. I have to wonder how many great songs fell by the way-side because the were unfortunate enough to be released in January. Ayway, the thaw had come, as it so often does in late March/early April, and it was sure-as-hell time for something new. The opening drumrolls of "Cherub Rock" and into the screeches of "Quiet"were alright - definitely good stuff, but not until "Today," came on did I stop dribbling the basketball in my driveway and just think to myself - Holy Shit. I had heard it before, of course, but never on my own terms. I think I restarted the song six or seven times just to hear how the intro went into the opening chords, and felt kiddy like a child with a new toy. This was mine. This was my own copy of this. I could do whatever I wanted to with this! Never before or since have I felt that kind of unbridled joy at just owning an album.

I hung out there on the driveway just floored. "Rocket" came and went with it's good intro and better coda. "Disarm" - which admittedly seemed a lot better then than it does now. "Soma," which passed straight through my brain the first time but is now arguably my favorite from the record. Then came "Geek U.S.A." Immediately, in my thirteen-year-old eyes, the crowning acchievement of all that was rock, and maybe all that was art as well. Four good songs smashed together to form one five-minute masterpiece of bombast... let me just say that I wish I could hear it again for the first time and not know what's coming around the corner.

But around the three minute mark, Corgan get's the closest to punk that the Pumpkins ever managed, and screams out "words can't define/ what I feel inside/ who needs them?" It's absolutely meaniongless, but I got it. I finally got it. It nailed what I had been feeling for the past eight or nine months and said "fuck it." And it gave me the permission to do so to. With that one stupid-ass, overwrought, pretentious line, I dropped all the weight off my shoulders at once, and smiled, for real, for the first time in a long time. That's the purpose of rock anyway - sometimes to anesthetize the growing pains, sometimes to get the kids to stop taking themselves so seriously, and sometimes just to remind us all that youth should be spent partying, getting laid, and otherwise expirimenting and experiencing while we can. And the older we get, the more we might be able to appreciate the music, but the less we'll appreciate the tunes. Because they're not meant for us.

The album isn't perfect, but it's close enough that I don't care. "Spaceboy" I could do without, and "Silverfuck" is just eight minutes of aural masturbation, but on the other hand, you have "Mayonnaise," with it's lushly sullen vocal melodies and the chord(screech)chord climax. It's just good. I still have my twelve-year-old copy from that Easter, beaten and scratched to hell and all-but-unplayable. I know Billy Corgan's a well-documented asshole, but I still have to thank him for this one.

Monday, March 20, 2006


1. If somebody likes you because of how cool your car is, that person is probably ten years old.

2. The time at which you finally leave adolscence is the moment at which you stop pumping your fist and saying "yessssss...." as a positive exclamation.

3. Helmet laws for bike-riding children are depressing.

4. No one is going to like you any more or less due to your S.A.T. score.

5. About once a year, you should allow yourself one night all alone. Stay up as late as you can keep your eyes open and listen to every song you haven't thought about since you were fifteen.

6. Everybody's life sucked in middle school, and most people's through high school as well, so if you're going to use teenage trauma as an explanation for your actions, make it about something cool or constructive, and not as an excuse for acting like an asshole when you drink.

7. Ayn Rand is best enjoyed before you know anything else about philosophy, other people, or the world. This makes it good reading for high-school sophomores.

8. People who smoke grass aren't "the bad kids," but they aren't necessarily cool either. Particularly if they base their schedules around it.

9. Every genre of music, film, what have you has it's brilliance and it's dreck, and anyone who claims otherwise is simply afraid to expiriment for fear of tainting their image.

10. I suck with women, but I do a lot better when I trick myself into foolish confidence.

11. If you can get your parents laughing at your dirty jokes, you're probably okay with asking them for money.

12. Don't shoot the puppy.

Friday, March 17, 2006

A Dozen Good Reasons for Irish Pride

1. Druids, man. Druids.

2. Never elected Hitler even once.

3. Irish folk music begat country americana, which in turn begat Rock & Roll. (Stop the train before you get to disco.)

4. Redheads.

5. National terror syndicate voluntarilly disarmed. Can Hamas be far behind? (Answer: yes.)

6. Said "fuck you" to the crown back before it was cool.

7. Redheads.

8. Home of 50 Fortune 500 companies, and now one of the richest-per-capita European countries. Incidentally, Americans of Irish heritage have fared better financially than Americans of any other heritage, so that's nice.

9. James Joyce, who made a name for himself recounting the time he jerked off on a beach.

10. Could probably annex Wales if we really, really wanted to stick it to the U.K., but we cool about it.

11. Boston, and by extension, the Red Sox.

...and 12. Took a ho-hum religious and nationalistic Holiday and sold it to the world as a glorious celebration of unnecessary excess, a feat that Mexico has yet to fully repeat with "Cinqo de Mayo." So big-ups Eire. May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Holy Shit Amazing Games.


...Ground up and in my freezer.

...Prohibited by the Mormon Church.

...Served on a donkey's back and hand picked by Juan Valdez.

...Toe-up with liquor.

...No more than six servings a day.

...Traditionally enjoyed by Italian monks.

...At the center of a lawsuit with McDonalds after scalding my crotch.

...Primarilly as a place to dunk my donuts.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


As your ambassador for the upcoming St. Patrick's Day (self-titled!) I consider it my duty to offer a couple words of warning or suggestion for the few of you who might choose to celebrate your Irish heritage... intemperately. As such, I offer up my first of many drinking guides. Share them with your family, and discuss the roll that drinking wisely could have in your life. IRISH CARBOMB (from Webtender)


Mixing instructions:

Combine the Bailey's and Whiskey in a shot glass. Drop shot glass into beer. Should be finished immediately.

While I'm generally in favor of anything that incapacitates fratboys, it should be noted that this drink is responsible for 80% of the incoherent grunting and 100% of the Backpfeifengesichts (Ger.: "faces that cry out for a fist in them") on any given March 17th. Also, I like Bailey's as much as the next guy, but anyone bumping chests after drinking it, no matter what else it's mixed with, maybe needs to take a trip through Mexico the wrong way and learn a few things about alcohol.

Even worse, except not worse, because drunken fratboys are about the bottom of the barrel, are the women wo take this as their drink of choice for the night. Now, some people get chatty when they're drunk. Some people get belligerent, but women with Irish Carbombs only come in one flavor - weepy. Which means you can't really hit on them. Here's a helpful rhyme:

"If she's weepy, you're creepy."

In any case, I love St. Patrick's Day, but this drink is fully to blame for everything I hate about it.


Mixing instructions:

Combine and shake well with ice and strain into a shot glass.

This one might not come up very often without your seeking it out, but that's not exactly the point. As bizarre as this one appears - and it is - the strangest thing about it is how it can taste at once like every one of it's ingredients, and have that be awesome. Still, you don't really want tis for yourself. What you want to do is take that sweet, kinda straightlaced, desperately-wants-to-do-something-to-break-their-own-monotony guy or gal that you work with and get him or her started on these. Make sure it isn't a schoolnight, because as the night progresses, you'll only have two rules. One, Ms. Straightlaced should have one of these in her hands at all times, and Two, everyone does whatever Ms. Straightlaced decides. If you end up in jail, at least you'll have a damn good reason for being there, and probably a good amount of company.

People just tend to be fun when they're drinking these.


  • 6 oz Vodka
  • Fleeting Remembrance of Cranberry

Mixing instructions:

Pretend to Stir.

Of course, my recipe is taken from the good people at Madame X on Houston St., where I recently attended a Charity Date Auction. Price of Admission was good for one Grey Goose drink, and I'm happy to say that they weren't stingy with the booze. Now I'm a beer man myself, and can genneraly hold my own fairly well when I'm working within those bounds, but who would I be to turn away a Grey Goose drink?

A wiser man, that's who.

I ended up accidentally winning the first auction, and then celebrated my winnings by following up the "cocktail" with two glasses of champagne. Then we moved on to the next bar. After five minutes and a beer there, a lovely friend of mine was kind enough to pour me into a ca with handwritten directions home from my roommate. I was later informed that those five minutes were about an hour and a half long. Now, I remember everything that I'm accused of having done in that hour and a half - I never black out - but it was all sped up like a whirlwind. And a mortifyingly embarrasing whirlwind, in retrospect. I will never touch this drink again for the rest of my natural life.

So that's it for this issue of Drinks To Look Out For. Tune in next time when I talk about something else that I haven't decided yet.

Monday, March 13, 2006


WHITE HOUSE. This is probably good, as I'd have fun for about a week before getting bogged down in the minutiae and myriad legal issues over what I had done the first week. Still, I would like the Bully Pulpit, and I would sure as hell have fun at the debates (I picture my rhetorical style being lauded in the press as "pernicious" and "smart-assed.") I'd also dig having breakfast delivered to my room every morning and never having to pay for aynthing for the rest of my life. It's the little things.

Alas, I don't work in law, let alone politics. Also, even politically similar people tend to disagree with em as often as not. Plus I'm untelegenic. And I probably have a few skeletons buried somewhere, so this is a long-shot. Still, know that I would have brought back the fun kind of scandal, and would have happilly given a rfee foot-massage to whoever wanted one. And I don't really like feet that much, so that should mean something.

SWIMMING THE ENGLISH CHANNEL. This has been on my "things to do before I die" list since I was a kid, but I don't know why. Probably just to say that I did. Certainly not for the fun of swimming in freezing shark-infested waters for a long enough time to have it be considered a "feat." That said, I think I could probably manage if if I ever did try it, if onl;y because I get good and stubborn in situations like that and am more than willing to sacrifice my own health and well being to make a stupid point, but for what? 1.) It's really really cold. 2. ) There are sharks. 3.) It's really really far, as far as swimming is concerned. Further then you'd want to swim. The only reason you'd do it is for a story to tell your grandchildren, and as far as the good-story-to-pain-ration is concerned, there are far better uses for your time.

GRANDKID: Grampa, tell me about the time you swam the English Channel.
ME: Well, it was cold, and far, and there were sharks, but I didn't really see them. Plus, I was swimming in a cage.
GRANDKID: You suck, Gandpa. I'm gonna go microwave some porn.

Or whatever the hell the hot new technology will be in forty years or so. Point is, the chunnel is faster and warmer, and there's always the chance that I could get into a bar fight on the TGV, which is a story even the most jaded four-year-old can appreciate.

TORTURE: Obviously, this is probably for the best, but I really think I;d find out a lot about myself, you know? This is unlikely, owever, as I don't know anything worth torturing me for, and my ace telegraphs this fact like it's glowing in neon. Again, probably for the best.

HOSTAGE SITUATION. Again, probably good, not jst because no one ever thinks, hey, you know what would make a fun night - a gun barrel pushed up against my temple just a little too firmly. No, that's reasno one for all the negative press that hostage situations get, but my bigger problem would be my knack for almost certainly making everything worse. I mean, obviously I've given this some thought, which means I've played out my ideal actions/reactions/what-have-you, and I've come to one conclusion - that unless you've got extensive Navy SEAL training, any preparation for this type of scenario is only going to make things more dangerous. Not just for me, but for everyone else there.

So it's probably good that it'll probably never come up.

DESIGNING AND BUILDING OWN HOUSE IN HAWAI'I. Starngely, this is probably the most likely of all of these, and the one I'm not quite giving up hope on. I got this idea when I was about seven years old on vacation there, that just about any acre of land on Maui would be prime real estate with the right design - in this case, a two-story "apartment' on giant stilts five or six stories into the sky. If this sounds impractical, realize that I currently live in New York, and thus am willing to give up money and space for location.

AERIAL COMBAT. I'm not even any good with this in video games, but I grew up with Top Gun, and these things stick with you.

PLANNING AND ORCHESTRATING A MEXICAN BANK ROBBERY. I feel like I would probably take pretty well to lawlessness as a life philosophy, but I don't really know where to start, and I think you've got to have a line on some skilled people to make these sort of things work. I also understand that you meet those people primarily in prison, which is the opposite of the allure of lawlessness, so I guess I'll just earn my money the boring way. Still, whenever I hear the Refreshments song , "Banditos..."

I haven't heard that song in some time, actually.

Friday, March 10, 2006


1. School at least a thousand miles from ocean.

2. Nobody ate lunch in the cafeteria, and to be honest, I'm not sure where it was. (We all just went out for lunch every day. It's more freedom than I have now.)

3. Nobody gave a shit how much money you had, really. As long as you put out, your social standing was assured...

4. ...until you got pregnant, at which point you were really screwed. These instances were rarely resolved in a very special two-parter, and in one case actually involved a Homecoming Queen nominee and her step-brother. I think she lost. Speking of-

5. We voted a homosexual - think young Big Gay Al - as Prom King, completely without irony. This as opposed to, you know, beating the shit out of him all the time, which never happened, even in Oklahoma.

6. There was no one standard place to hang out. I understand that this used to be driven by budget constraints, but I fear that after decades of "Arnold's" and "The Max," that the cliche is seeping into bigger budget shows as well.

7. The talent show, as much as there was one, was entirely meaningless and everybody knew it, especially the performers. There would never have been cause for a Standing Ovation, and it would have solved nothing if there had been.

8. We rarely went surfing (see 1.)

9. Skipping class was insanely, and could be done flagrantly and repeatedly with almost no risk of punishment. On certain days (4/20, etc.) the administration would try to set rules in place, but this just tempted the student body more. Again, there would be no reprisal.

10. Proms, and all other dances, were pretty ridiculous. Everybody only went to get their picture taken before running off to whatever was going on afterwards. The pictures were always awful, the picking-up-and-pinning-the-corsage was always painfully awkward, and the dates meant nothing anyway. Every girl had already mastered that She's All That trip down the stairs, which was fine, but the set-up always meant that you had the five minutes of conversation downstairs with the parents while wondering why the hell you chose the white tux jacket.

MOTHER: Ooh! I LOVE the corsage!
ME: Thanks! I should warn you, there'll probably be some accidental fondling as I pin it, but the embarassment from that will prevent me from doing anything intentional later, I'm sure.
FATHER: (from living room couch) What the hell is that jacket? Are you a ship's captain?

Nobody ended up hooking up with their dates anyway, at least among my friends. After Senior Prom, in the hotel room that we had somehow legally rented, everybody hooked up with somebody, but NOBODY WITH THE PERSON THEY CAME WITH. It was bizarre, and not just a little bit awesome.

10. The religious people weren't marginal 'type' character shunned by the rest of the crowd, but more often than not quite popular. Also, hypocritical.

11. Katie Holmes never slept in my bed, even when I asked really nicely.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Words and Phrases Unlikely to Appear in a Script for the Children's Television Show I Work For

Mutually Assured Destruction

Friday, March 03, 2006


Alright. Time for the first C.H.U.D. who's-hotter poll! I'm honestly looking to get an idea on what drives people's tastes, so be sure to rant and swoon as you see fit. Now then, who's hotter?





3. And for the ladies...



As if the song weren't awesome enough, the video is crafted out of happy or something. God I love Japan.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


So I'm back, and I've backlogged (or back-blogged, or however the hell they would say it in Billyburg) to cover my tracks. It's better than ever, with a few changes.

FUN FACT: Billyburg is a mythical land where people use words that make me want to punch them in the mouth.

First Change - The scent. I thought the cucumber melon was pleasant and inviting, and indeed, to some, it was. But I've learned that some people are really turned off by cucumbers, for one reason or another, so I eventually caved. For now, I'm running a cinnamon-roll-type-thing, which seems to be working pretty well, but this will most likely change again as the weather gets warmer. Those of you without the technology will notice little, if any, difference.

Second Change - Dish Of The Day is on semi-permanent hiatus, because I just ain't all about the hate. In it's place I now have Extra Extra, which is pretty awesome and will be even better once someone tells me how to imbed video files.

Third, though not a change, I should mention that someone named Tadhog won the contest, which probably means that the rest of you simply weren't trying. I expect better effort from all of you in the future. Nonetheless, here is his reward.

Thank you all, and enjoy.


1. If you were opening yoour own restaurant, what kind of food would it serve, and why?

2. If you were making a movie, what genre would it fall under, and why?

3. If you were created an empire, what country would you take over first, and why?



...Which I always think should be spelled with two "n"s.

1. If you had an Evil Twin, what would their dastardly plans entail?

2. Which one of you would be hotter? I mean, conceivably you'd be identical (see what I did there with the word "conceive?") but come on.

3. And the evil twin would really be you the whole time, right? And you'd, like, have the actually-good twin locked in a closet somewhere fudging your taxes for you, right?


I know that everyone and their ferret has already posted this, but on the off chance that you havn't checked it out yet, go to this article right now. Watch the video. If you're working, do it anyway. If your boss is right over your shoulder barking orders in your ear, and for some reason you're on my blog, do it anyway. Make your boss watch. I guarantee that, like the Grinch, Boss-man's heart will grow three sizes instantly. As will your own. If you''ve already seen it, watch it again. Look at me, I'm gushing.


In your humble opinion...

1. What would be the most Honorable death imaginable? (presumably excepting Christ)

2. What would be the most humorous death?

3. What would be the most memorable Rock-Star-Style death?


Owned! Boo-ya!


From a universal, spiritual-but-not-religiously-adherent context, is there anything to be gained from...?

1. The Eucharist

2. Keeping Kosher?

3. Staging world-wide riots, attacking embassies, and killing people over cartoons?


Go For It!


1. Could somebody please explain this to me?

2. If you were to create a clone of yourself, what kinds of things would you make it do?

3. If we had flying cars, would you totally mess with your drunk friends when giving them rides home from the bar?


Sublime video. (not the band) Watch with the sound up, and if you can find a way to make it full screen, do that too. Also, turn the lights off. As for the product, Coworker Dave had a great idea to use these for a "car tag" game in Times Square.


Okay, as I have recently had opportunity to sit down and watch t.v.'s Arrested Development, I have naturally developed an unhealthy obsession with it. As a result, I now have a Social Disease (not like the sexy kind) that prohibits me from discussing much else. As it turns out, I'm fairly comfortable with that.

Therefor, what is your favorite thing about...

1. G.O.B.

2. Kitty Sanchez

3. George Michael / Maeby


I have a cat and I still think this is hilarious.