Thursday, March 02, 2006


So I'm back, and I've backlogged (or back-blogged, or however the hell they would say it in Billyburg) to cover my tracks. It's better than ever, with a few changes.

FUN FACT: Billyburg is a mythical land where people use words that make me want to punch them in the mouth.

First Change - The scent. I thought the cucumber melon was pleasant and inviting, and indeed, to some, it was. But I've learned that some people are really turned off by cucumbers, for one reason or another, so I eventually caved. For now, I'm running a cinnamon-roll-type-thing, which seems to be working pretty well, but this will most likely change again as the weather gets warmer. Those of you without the technology will notice little, if any, difference.

Second Change - Dish Of The Day is on semi-permanent hiatus, because I just ain't all about the hate. In it's place I now have Extra Extra, which is pretty awesome and will be even better once someone tells me how to imbed video files.

Third, though not a change, I should mention that someone named Tadhog won the contest, which probably means that the rest of you simply weren't trying. I expect better effort from all of you in the future. Nonetheless, here is his reward.

Thank you all, and enjoy.


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