Monday, January 23, 2006

3. What is the Matrix? What is the Matrix Reloaded?


Blogger Chris said...

The Matrix is an amazing film that defined a genre. The Matrix Reloaded is an interesting follow up that is not strong on its own and was transformed from an interesting set up to a potentially brilliant concluding film, to a sad letdown leading into an actually terrible concluding film. Boo.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

Oh oh! The Matrix was a good movie that now sucks when you watch it because it's been imitated so badly so often.

The Matrix Reloaded was where the Wachowski's smoked a lot of pot and then wrote a film script, thinking other people would be really interested in their drugged out philisophical ramblings, because everyone always wants to pay $10 to hear the theories of your local stoner. It also wasted a perfectly hot sex scene in a terrible movie.

11:17 AM  

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