Friday, January 13, 2006

3. Asusuming we can all agree that good-looking clothes are generally sexier than all-out nakedness, to what extent does imagination play a role in attraction and arousal? And isn't disappointment then the expected flipside?


Blogger Chris said...

You are correct that the artfully concealed human form has as much, if not more, to offer in the way of arrousal than the naked one. However, I would qualify it. If you're hanging out and eating a grilled cheese sandwhich and a beautiful woman (or man) walks up to you completely naked you will be shocked, but it will take a moment for arousal to set in (especially depending on how said woman acts, ie. touching you sensulally versus say, preparing her own grilled sandwhich and ignoring you). I think the key is context and order. Getting someone to the point of extreme sexual arousal happens by leading them up a slope. Hopping right to the summit is jarring. That's the whole point of (good) stippers. If you begin with a concealed, but suggestive garb, it allows the imagination to start working. Its not that the imagination is constrcuting specific expectations (which are then let down), but rather is slowly building up anticipation of something. As more clothes come off the undetailed, but intense anticipation is slowly converted into reality. Thus artful concealment through sexy clothes, as well as artful removal of those clothes produces the most arousal by holding desire at bay just enough to strengthen it, and then bumping it to the next level.
So there is my decidedly UNsexy response to your sexy friday question.

1:11 PM  

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